I currently have 2 plants. My precious plant from my Grandpa's funeral has gone to glory land. I have a little plant of some sort on the front porch and Chris bought a beautiful orchid for me over the weekend, because he is wonderful. My plant on the front porch has been somewhat neglected lately. We have been in work mode for the last couple of months, so I haven't been giving it enough attention. The orchid is doing great. All I have to do is put a piece of ice in the dirt when it looks dry and it should be good. We'll see how that goes. My rose bushes seem a little neglected too. They were so robust when Spring first came. The heat has sucked them dry and I think it's high time I get out there and hook up the sprinkler. This is my declaration that I'm going to take better care of my plants. I find that these are not the only things that have been neglected lately. My Bible has also been neglected. I have read it on my phone and tried sporadically to keep up with my Joyce Meyer devo (She can seem harsh, I know, but her teaching is solid!) I'm going to sit down and get better about making God's Word a priority in my day, every day. This one is short because Quinn just looked out the front window, onto the porch, and said, "Mom, why did you let that plant's leaves get down?" I think that means it needs water. Too funny.
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