A Sad Story :)

I'm having a bit of a breakdown.  I've realized something about myself that is not "just what I've always wanted."  In fact it is something I have never wanted.  I am oficially frumpy.  I am that mom in the grocery store with the pony tail, t-shirt and shorts.  I haven't gone to sweat pants yet and don't plan to.  That is a little too far, even for my currently style-challenged self.  Somedays I don't even get dressed until 2 o'clock.  I work from home a lot and the rest of my time is occupied by caring for our home and our babies.  I love my life.  I do not love, however, my un-fancy self.  I remember growing up and thinking that I never wanted to become a frumpy mom.  In my naive 12-year-old mind I would think, "how much time and effort does it really take to fix yourself up a little?"  Rude kid.  Anyway, this doesn't just happen overnight.  It is a steady and gradual happening.  When you start out romancing your guy, you are all about how you look. You have time to and work hard at looking great.  When you get married you  realize that it's inevitable that he's going to see you looking crazy.  The decline begins.  The battle is being lost at this point.  Frumpy has started to take ground.  When your children come along you gain weight and lose sleep and appearance is the last thing on the priority list.  Your old, cool clothes don't fit anymore and so you get rid of them so that you don't have to be disappointed about carrying extra pounds.  Cue the sad music.  Blare it loud right now.  Then the next child comes along and you find yourself sliding, like an avalanche, down the mountain into frumpy land.  Sad, but true.  Now that I have discovered this about myself, I can only go up from here.  I am going to work hard to do a little better.  Maybe I'll iron my clothes some days.  I probably won't because I am the WORST at ironing.  Forget that part.  Maybe I will ask CHRIS to iron my clothes some days.  He's very good at ironing.  Maybe I will go and buy a pair of cute shoes.  Maybe I will start small and slowly work back into the much more presentable person that I used to be.  We'll see.  I'm not claiming to have ever been a stylish diva.  When I was in Junior High I wore Winnie the Pooh shorts, a CAT SWEATER complete with faux fur and snap pants. Of course I didn't wear those things all together.  I was a style disaster.  But somehow I always had friends.  And they were cool people too.  I think this must be a tribute to my personality.  Thank you, Lord, for giving me a personality that exceeds my cool factor.  Amen. 


  1. I can relate! ...except for the cat sweater business... Since I have quit my job I actually show up in public without makeup, which had never entered my brain previously, and have even entertained the idea of wearing clothes I wear to bed (not pjs, but still...) out!!! I didn't sign up for this mindset when I said "I do"! I will not only support your mission to regain an un-frumpy appearance but join you! I may not succeed everyday but I will make an effort. By the way you may feel frumpy but you don't look it :)

  2. Lauren--you are awesome. Thank you for uniting with me. There's power in numbers. lol..We missed your red-headed self tonight. Love you! --Lauren S.

  3. Well just so you are aware if you started out with no makeup and slightly frumpy there is no down hill or uphill... we are praising God that we are still trying to keep our house clean. Raising kids is not easy and being at home with them all day is even less easier. At our house it is a major victory if i can look at my wonderful husband and smile because he has something on that is cleaned, does not smell, and actually matches. Yes Lauren sometimes being oneflesh means celebrating the fact that HE has not been spit up on, pooped on, has the same shirt on he started out with, and actually matches....Yeah for mama's, because God must have a sense of humor, and I will never again judge the lady in walmart with the 5 kids and the fuzzy pink slippers because I bet she does not even remember that she left the house like that!! <3 God Bless

  4. I have to disagree completely. Let me tell you what I see when I bump into you several times a weekend at Kroger (LOL) Wow, Lauren sure has lost weight, she looks so cute. She has the most beautiful hair. Wow, I wish I looked that good with a pony tail and shorts and your face simply shines when you smile. So, with that, hope you're doing better and maybe you can help me with the several muffin tops I have going on under these here clothes! ;)


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